Book Publishing Profits Academy
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Here’s just some of what you’re getting:
When you join before the countdown timer expires! . . .
Ways to multiply your profits + more book sales . . . you get paid up to $35k per event.
How to contact experts to write a book with you or for you (and promote it).
A simple 2 word strategy which, used 20 times, can multiply your profits 14,563.5 times.
How you can use book formats to make book promotion give you way more sales.
Richard’s simple insider secrets to becoming a #1 bestseller on Amazon.
How to use expert secrets to make 11 times as much from each customer.
How to choose the right type of publishing for your aims, so you get the best results.
Some great ways to beat the competition effectively and sell more books than they do!
Make the right choices (without additional time or money) to sell 7 times as many books.
Several expert methods of finding more book ideas than you could ever need.
Solve the huge author problems of finding time, writers block, lack of ideas, procrastination and lack of confidence.
How to plan your book contents, like Richard does, to get many more sales.
Make your readers desperate to keep reading, and leave you better reviews.
How to get all the technical stuff outsourced easily for a lot less than you might think.
Which outsource sites to use for each different parts of the publishing process.
Detailed success methods for working with different publishing systems for more sales.
The one platform to promote your book to get it in front of a huge audience (for FREE).
A simple formula to virtually guarantee that your content goes viral on that channel.
Get a huge additional passive income stream by clicking just one single button.
Create your author website the easy way, using free professional quality templates.
How to do an effective book launch to get a huge boost in sales, long-term.
PLUS the Fast Action Bonuses (if you hurry):
- The exact method of how you can create around 7,200 words an hour, even if you can’t type at all and without writing down a single word. That’s a book finished in 2 days!
- How to avoid the very real financial risk when outsourcing.
- Get OTHER PEOPLE to pay for everything involved in writing, publishing and promoting your books.
- How to 100% guarantee to be promoted by someone famous. This simple method got one author from lower than 1,000’th place in the Amazon rankings, to #1 in some categories, in one single HOUR!!!
Offer expires soon. Once you miss this chance, there is no guarantee you’ll get this opportunity again.
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We’re allowing you to see and use all of Richard’s multi-million dollar strategies in your own home without risking a penny.
Our 30-day No-Questions-Asked Money-Back Guarantee gives you the chance to put “Book Publishing Profits Academy” into action and experience immediate success . . .
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Or, if you prefer, you can spread the payment over 3 months (just click the “3-pay” button below), to make it even easier to say “yes” right now and make a start getting RESULTS from this course.
And remember, if you only get 5% of the results that Richard gets doing the methods and formulas he shows you in this course, you get $195 profit for every 82 cents you invest in this course right NOW . . .
To get the FREE bonus course I told you about in the webinar, click here.